(ON HOLD) Five Nights at Sonic's Nightmare Revived 1.5 (UNOFFICIAL)

7 days ago

Destroyed Taingle's AI is complete! Testing will begin tomorrow.



Next up

The Night 1 AI's are nearly completed!

(The demo will release when Nights 1 and 2 are done)

why am I getting recommended this

also, should probably mention that this DLC is cancelled..

It was going to be a custom night, although I decided that I was satisfied with this game as it was

you can actually still find some leftover assets in the game files lol

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

New thumbnail

(first image is new, second image is old)

I really like the Mimic

Night 2 progress is coming along nicely!

Destroyed Toy Lock Sonic's AI is complete!

One more AI, and then the Demo gameplay will be complete.

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Hello all! Today I made a Tails model, which shall be used in the full release of FNaS 5 Fan Game v2.0 HD Edition (as he is the player character). No idea why it took me so long to make this lmao