Hi! I'm very excited to get this game out, it's been very fun to develop thus far. I wanted to talk about some of the new mechanics added to the game. I'll be talking only about the characters that had their base mechanics heavily changed, being Havoc Freddy, Molten Evil, Havoc Puppet, The B.O.A., and Garvey. I will also refrain from spoiling any of the aggressive mechanics.

Havoc Freddy has a new unique mechanic to make him actually a threat compared to some of the other characters. Specifically, looking at him at the door will cause him to attack shortly after. This was done not only because he's barely a threat, but because only one other planned character uses the left door, and has a slightly different door creak, meaning you must distinguish between them and act accordingly.

Molten Evil is almost the same but with one key difference: When he is sapping your plasma, he will distort the screen with a blur effect, making it much harder to see anything.

Havoc Puppet can now be stopped before he even gets to your window. Staring at him on CAM 2 will cause him to leave. This is done to avoid scenarios where he can combo you with other characters. If he does combo you, it's still fair, but much harder to deal with. If he does manage to reach your window, remember that glancing at him even for a second fully resets his timer to kill you.

The Box of Abominations still sits in the box at CAM 9, except once they leave that camera, rather than walking to your door, they just teleport to it. To counter this, staring at them in CAM 9 will cause them to move back into their box. However, this will only work if the PC is ON. Leaving it off and set to CAM 9 will not work.

Garvey has a new trick up his sleeve: He will now attack even during the main nights rather than waiting for everyone to deactivate. He only attacks if you are looking at the PC (be it on or off) and if nobody else is attacking, save for 3 specific new characters I'll reveal later. His kill timer when attacking from the doors is buffed, but his time it takes to move through the vents has been slightly nerfed to make multitasking easier.
That's all for now! Wait... who is that in the vents?

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