Making a mechanic is, once again, a lot harder than I thought it would be. Not actually programming it, but coming up with the idea. It’s not just “Have Wario come closer, then protect yourself”. Nah. There’s SO much. How will that work with that and that? Will that make the other cameras useful, too safe, too unsafe? Will that make the game flow? Will that be boring? Will that be fair? Will that be too confusing or too simple? How will that work with the rest of the cameras and the rest of the mechanics? And lots more of these questions too. It’s hard and frustrating at times. But! That’s also fun, to come up with something like this and let the creativity run.
And I think I might just have landed on something. Landed on an idea that suddenly struck me as I was laying in bed, thinking hard about how I would think if I was someone who played the game for the first time, and what I would expect from the different elements. Though it’s not 100% thought through yet, but I believe it can work. This is the mechanic for Wario, by the way, which will set the foundation for the other characters too. So getting Wario done is very important for the game as a whole, I believe. I will think more on this idea tonight and tomorrow, and if it works in my head, I’ll try to program it and see if it works in-game, too.
Thanks for your patience! I haven’t gotten far yet, but this is lots of fun, and I think it’s really fun to update you guys on the process :)