I’ve now tested Night 1 through 5 several times. I’ve beaten it, so it’s definitely beatable. Phone Guy (or News Guy in this case) has done his job and his lines are now in game (Done by JereJoe, big thanks to him). The game is not 100% complete. As I wrote in my previous update, the game is only complete for me after I’ve finished the game completely, and THEN gone over it more to add more details. There are still things that need to be done, and some things left to be added (like a new enemy, as well as more in the Extra menu, a new mode, etc.), but the main feature of the game is obviously the main gameplay itself. Therefore, as I’m writing this, I’m uploading the game to Mediafire to send out to some Youtube testers, hopefully they’ll have a good time. Only a very few, though, since I want most people to play this game when it has all of its features. But right now, I just want testing on the main nights and the main features. Look out for some possible gameplay in the next days on Youtube :)
I hope this game is shaping up well. I’m not sure, but I hope it does. I’m trying my very best to make an unique FNAF experience and horror game in general :)