Map and Models ♟️
I have reworked several parts of the map that I felt lacked detail. Right now, I have started designing the location for the final mission. I hope you like the new improvements!
Additionally, I have completed new characters that were not present in previous installments. These new additions will surely make the missions more challenging.
The menu is almost finished—just a few final touches remain.
The first room is fully complete and ready. I have also programmed movement through the hallways. At this moment, I have just finished the second mission; now, I just need to fix some bugs before moving on to the third mission.
On top of that, I’m working on new cinematics to enhance the storytelling experience.
I have replaced many of the game's sounds and added new ones. Notably, I changed the menu music to the current one featured on the official page, as the previous one didn’t quite fit the essence of the saga.