Bendy: The Shooter Silent (Bendy Fangame)

9 months ago

development of "Bendy: The Shooter Silent: Alpha" 4

#BENDY #BATDR #BATIM #Fangame #TSS #Bendy_And_The_Ink_Machine #Bendy_And_The_Dark_Revival

Hello everyone, I'm back again after a month to continue reporting on the development of "BATSS", or now called: "Bendy: The Shooter Silent". I will also explain to you why I changed the name of the Fangame. And well, we begin: Right now I haven't worked much on the game. Mostly due to lack of motivation and because right now I'm working on other things. The only thing I have done was change the menu logo to the new name. But hey! I'm already starting to prepare some things to finally work on level 4 (the longest level of all). And I have managed to work on level 2, but not enough as I expected :(. As you can see, the development is a bit slow, but I think we are doing quite well :). And now, the reason why the fangame changed its name. This was due to fangame rule changes. As you may already know, one of the things that could not be done was that the fangame did not make a logo that looked official, something that I did not comply with :(. And that's it,

here are more photos of the Fangame, enjoy it :D.


See you next month with more news from 'The Shooter Silent"

See you soon. :)

