Oh, henlo there!
Kallan here, and it’s been a while since my last post regarding the actual development of The Adventures of Penguin, and if you’re wondering if the project is dying, it’s not.
The Juicy Updates
So, the reason I have neglected to update you guys, is after around only 4 months of development, I am coming to a point where just mentioning a few things could tread into the spoiler zone! So, with that said, here are some updates.
The first pretty big update is the fact that the 3rd dungeon is close to completion, named The Waterworks. You can probably guess what kind of area this is, but if you can’t, here are a few screenshots.

I don’t want to give too much away, otherwise it would be a pretty big spoiler.
So, the next update is a new track by @MishkoLalko !
As expected, the new track is called “The Waterworks”.
I feel that it really fits the theme. If you don’t believe me, just play the music with the screenshots.
Disclaimer: These tracks are copyrighted, any unauthorised use of this track is subject to copyright and will be removed from whatever site it is shared to.
The next not so big of an update is basically just a new project that I will spend time on while I’m not working on The Adventures of Penguin, so that way everything gets done. I’m still workshoping the name and the story for the game, so all the content shown on the screenshots may not be what the actual game ends up looking like.

So, there’s that.
It’s been a real heck of a ride while making The Adventures of Penguin, and I hope you enjoy playing it, as much as I enjoyed making it.
Don’t let you memes be dreams!
~ Kallan
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