Five Nights at Fredbears 3 FREE ROAM REMASTER

4 years ago

Development Update 3


Hello everyone I am back and over the last 2 months I have worked hard on finishing up FNAFB 3 and soon it shall be done.

I am finishing up the last route for the final ending...... or rather the 3rd secrets ending or something. But after that the last part is polishing up AI and other parts. Voice acting. Easter Eggs and voice acting.

now I will be adding a lot of Easter eggs. I wont spoil how they work but the point of them is to scare the player. You wont see it coming half the time but lets just say we have made impossible look techonogley that can change the way you see things when you see something. Just try not to stare at some things for too long and try to look for codes for some secret hints.


I know I have said I will stop using HE after this game but for the DLC's of the trilogy of FNAFB games I will be still using HE. for the BTER series idk if I will still use it but it would help speed up development. FNAC 2 will be using HE as well since its already too far into development to have an engine change.

But the main plan for anything after 3 is to not use HE. Make my own engine if you will. So any other game that's not Fredbear related should have its own feel. I want it to use a template that is for my game the return to Fredbear's. Once I am done that game I will use it as the base for my upcoming fnaf relate short story's. then we can look in the 4th game and VR game and even more into the future!

Anyways thanks for sticking sorry being late on weekly updates. I just had alot in the way of progress. Just enjoy the teaser and make sure to listen to the new soundtrack release. There will be more added to the playlist as time goes on I just need more time to release it XD



Next up

Golden Foxys new lunge rework is going great so far!

I can confirm The nightbonnie and night bear are returning to Fredbear's 3 They will be some of the hardest animatronics, As they are dismantled.

Hardmode Megalodon. You can now see its endoskeleton through its ripped flesh. Showing that is infact a giant animatronic made for a prehistoric tour in Fazbear waterpark. Also you have to fight it in the dark this time and its 1.3 times bigger.


Happy birthday FNAF! I apologize for being inactive. I have alot to explain. I've been really busy. I am gonna try and get back to work on the game this month. I apologize that things have been so quiet this year. I've been going through alot.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

So The benefit of having over thousands of dollars worth of dinosaur models is that Adding them to the game takes barley any effort as all the work was already done. Animatronic Ceratosaurus is happy to become the 2nd phase boss fight for umbra XD

Five Nights at Fredbear's 3 Shadow Freddy Cutscene Shadow Freddy is defeated out of the ceratosaurus and he tells the reason for his aggression.

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

I finally beat this fucking Night after 2 hours