[Cancelled] 7Fall

3 years ago

Devlog 01 ~ "Dude not cool" Edition

Howdy, everyone, here's the promised first devlog.

Life's been cracking down. Family, school, the internet, it's all been weird lately. I haven't had much time to work on this game. It may not look it, but I actually have a lot done, mainly in the way of the soundtrack, done over the past few months. I need some time to work things out - school slows down in six weeks, so I'll have a more reasonable amount of time to work on things I love. Sorry I haven't gotten much shown, just consider this game on a semi-hiatus until November or so.

But that's enough of that. Here's what I HAVE gotten done recently:

>Finished the main character's sprites! Meet the ambiguously-aged young adults who you'll command on your journey. That's Bub, Monica, and Seamus from left to right.


>Soundtrack! If you didn't see already, the soundtrack is in active progress and by far the most complete part of the game. I have tons of stuff I'm waiting to release once I get to it. I'm also putting out bonus stuff ("OST #???") on soundcloud if you want to see that. Find it here.


>There are some team members, I think! Actually that might be stretching it, but I'm getting some help from people. @jeffy_playz is going to help with the coding when that starts back up, @TeamCoolDude is making a few OST tracks, @NosyArgackle is helping out with a new logo (and this post's brilliant header), and I'm borrowing a song from nond other than @TEP_Enterprises down the line! Massive thanks to all those people, helping this game get to be better than it was before.

Well, that's about everything for a while. Sorry for the lack of content, I (we?) are just in a weird spot right now. Once active development starts, though, things'll get better. Trust us.

Thanks for reading and stay frosty!



Next up

Shoutout to the forgotten but invaluable They in my life

I made this song for the lategame of my AU "Bleak" but it fell apart after the drop and I just decided to scrap it

That is all for now

Story of my life, really


(with #GamejoltColors24 alt that prompted me to start this lol)

Devlog 02 ~ "Bruu when game" Edition


This has been a failed experiment in animation shortcuts

Thanks for the fanart @dizzyawe

Gone or never-ending reality.

Rise, my glorious creation

Devlog 03 ~ "Let's do this" Edition