While not prioritized at the moment due to the current phase, I did put together sprites of the playable characters in VoL. 2's ExplorE segments, just to have a clear visual reference ahead of time (also, ignore Casey's missing tail, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it).
Thought I'd go for a mix of the semi-chibi style everyone had in VoL. 1, while also paying homage to one of the earliest iterations of this story, which relied almost entirely on custom Megaman Zero/ZX sprites for visuals.
Will post a gif of the sprites animated in 02b because twitter likes making things hard.
Aside from that, yes, that "log" option in previous screenshots was very much the real deal! Now if you accidentally click before reading a message or just want to process something, you can just hit S, and be treated to a slick message log for your convenience!
Overall, things are going fine, script for EpisodE 4's coming along nicely, and InterludE 1's story segments are halfway done!
Anyways, that's about it for now. Not too much to report on, but I felt it would be enough for another update. See you guys next time!