[Cancelled] 7Fall

3 years ago

Devlog 03 ~ "Let's do this" Edition

It's exactly the first minute of 2022 here in Texas.

Devlog time.

Bangs frying pan and spoon together

Hits bass drum

Makes other assorted loud noises to get attention

I'm making progress!

Alright, that's a bit of an overstatement. I have started creating every component of this game, rather. Programming, art, and music are all underway! Celebrate!

To take it step by step:

Programming the actual game!

Very low progress.

I've never been good at coding to begin with, and I'm learning a new language. It's going from zero to sixty pretty fast, and I'm hoping just to get a basic engine done at some point. Tl;dr: actual progress on the game is... a little ways off.

But hey! Every line of code I write, I understand the software better, and every eight dozen syntax errors when I press a button is another eight dozen things I know to improve on! I am still confident I can deliver this experience, however long it takes.

Drawing things!

I'm not artist, and most attempted assets for this game are scrapped at this point. It's in a pixel-art style, so I have a lot of experienced friends who can help, but at the core I have a long way to go until this game looks good.

I also am not great with character design, color usage, posing, animation... actually, I'm a pretty bad artist. But you don't learn without failing! Which means I'm learning at the fastest rate seen in all history! Hell yeah!!

The story!

This is a story-driven game I'm making, so I need to get the plot right! It's been through many iterations, and unlike everything else here, is something I can develop just by thinking about.

I have friends I pitch ideas to in private for quality control, and have thought about this game every day for six months, so I'd say the story is fairly workable. Changes are still being made all the time, but I plan to have a script of some sort soon! Before I start development, at least.

It should at least be noted that I have plans for every area, every character, and the full story of 7Fall. Again, everything is subject to change, but if need be I could write a full script right now. Probably.

Music and various other things that you listen to!

I saved the best news for last! Music is the only category here that I practiced casually before making this game, and the one I sincerely enjoy on a higher level than "it's satisfying to have stuff for your game". I am proud to say that combining what I have showing on this page (24 tracks, first third or so of the soundtrack) combined with what I've made but isn't here yet, the soundtrack is about 50% done!

I don't know how far off full soundtrack completion is. Music is a big part of what makes a character or scene feel distinct, and I want to know what everything is like before making it, so I am going to try and finish the soundtrack before focusing fire on other aspects. Don't expect a timestamp, but sometime soon. Not another six months, probably. Just wait.

Well, this about concludes this devlog! Sorry for the continued lack of things to show off, life has been happening and, when it comes down to it, telling a dumb story about some kids in a cave is not my first priority. I'll definitely get faster as I learn more and more, though. Don't expect me to take too long!

Happy new year, everyone. It'll be better than these last two, trust me.

Thanks for reading and stay frosty.



Next up

Story of my life, really

Devlog 01 ~ "Dude not cool" Edition

Shoutout to the forgotten but invaluable They in my life

The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !

Enter by completing this quest:

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

Devlog 02 ~ "Bruu when game" Edition


Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!

The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:

Thank you to everyone who entered!

I made this song for the lategame of my AU "Bleak" but it fell apart after the drop and I just decided to scrap it

That is all for now

Thanks for the fanart @dizzyawe

@ddemkoo is a Jolter to Watch and a creator who makes games, music, art, websites, and everything else in-between! Follow @ddemkoo before the quest ends on March 11 and you'll get Coins!

Rise, my glorious creation