First I would like to introduce myself. The one writing this very post. My name is JustAce. I will be one of those undergoing the task of making this game, VERIFIED. The other, is one of my close friends who will be working alongside me. We don’t have set roles in this project, we mostly both do parts of everything.
There are a few things I would like to say:
-This game will probably take some time, so please have patience!
-The game will be a 2D pixelated platformer.
-The title is a work in progress, so it may not be final.
-We both have school, so development will be slow.
-This is going to be my 3rd ever game project to work on, so I will be learning along the way.
We hope you stick around for devlogs about this game and future builds, make sure to follow us as well!
We are currently working on a twitter account for us to send out updates on the latest news about us and our games.
See you around! -Ace