So Far, I've been making slow & steady progress on this, The Game Over Screens are like 90% done & the Victory Screens are also 90% done (as you can see in the image, James is running from Drewie who's chasing him out). Right now, 0.5/9+ A.I.s have been finished, now you may be wonder, How the fuck is 0.5 a.i.s done?
it's one of the mechanics of a character, the flashlight has been coded in as well as it's new mechanic has been added to the main game.
now this is pretty simple, as long as your flashlight is active, in the cameras, office, wherever this will drain, don't worry, there may or may not be an Item in the new Shop System to help you with this ;)
Now I've also Revamped the Game Over screens
Each Character will have their own reaction, to the Loss, I plan on Explaining more of the Characters Motives, with CUTSCENES!
I don't have anything for these yet, but Expect these to show more of the Characters personalities & Motives, maybe even a small Backstory to James & why he's still here.
That's All I have right now, Thanks for Reading and Oh Before I go
Enjoy this little "Teaser"