I've been working on finishing the game along side reblanceing some things,so what can you expect?
Some reworked and changed skills
the biggest exmaple being cymbal musical,now boosting other attacks
Final area of the game & true ending
The final area,the basment is being worked on
it has 4 tarot card based bosses with thier own small mini dungeons
currently the chariot dungeon is being made at the time of writing this
featureing new enemys!
And new alternate weapons and armor!
New bonus content
includeing two new sidequests! boss rush! three new bosses! and new bonus dungeon with its own unqie boss and card drop!
Other changes
More of a "oh hey this is neat" rather than important changes,added in a music box wich changes the ingame theme
for now this are all the options for the music box but i will add in more in the future
some are more of a "quality of life" improvement type deal,like haveing the enemys desc now show thier exp and jettons(tokens) drop
added in the ability to skip cutscenes,useful if youre replaying the game or simply speedrunning trough
Added in the King and Queen maze hints in game via a piece of paper you can find in the mazes
so when will the update come out? i honestly have no idea since i'm about 5% done with it only
so see ya soon!