Design stuff, Everyone
This week we’ve been working on game design 80% of the time. There was still stuff to define, as player characters, NPCs and their function, a weapon upgrade system…
We’ve been working on this and more, but there’s still work to do.
We hope to have it all designed really soon, although we’re sure we’ll have to adapt some things now and then.
We’ve also introduced some new mechanics we’ll show when ready, which we hope you enjoy!
Camera & area effects, Luigi
I’ve added some cool area effects we’re going to add in specific situations which surely will help to understand the radius of explosions and such.
These only appear when something can damage the player, hence it won’t appear when we shoot a grenade, for example.
This one will be used for explosions.

This one will be used for straight attacks (charges, maybe certain charged weapons)

The assets are not final (Yay to programmer art!)
The effects will mostly change. Although I don’t dig the straight one (will probably change it so the shade grows as it extends, instead of the way it is), I really like the circular one. I think something quite good can come out of it.
I’ve also been working on the camera. We’ve bought the Pro 2D Camera asset and I’ve been digging into it.
Its implementation is pretty straight forward. Really easy to understand.
I’ve added several thing that surely seem like a quality improvement.
Crosshair follow: I will talk about how the aiming system works another day, but basically there’s an unseen crosshair around there which you move with both your joysticks. I already had this implemented, but luckily in a way that the transition to the new asset wasn’t too painful.

Zoom fit to enemies: The camera will adapt and try to fit all enemies (and you) in a single screen, zooming out when needed, up to a max.

Room boundary: On top of what has been said before, there’s an additional constraint. The camera will stick to a certain view area (the size of the rooms) and won’t move beyond that point.

There’s still some work left, but I’m on the right track!
Editors, Alberto
I have almost finished the editors that I’ve been working on since last week. As I said they are really simple but useful.

As you can see, in the Waves Editor, you choose a room, the number of waves (by adding or deleting them) and then you can add any layout that you want.
Before doing all this, we first create a layout by using the Layout Editor, where we choose the number and type of enemies for each individual layout.
The last step is to read from the files created by this editors and use them in-game.
Room design, Julio
This week I have continued working on the rooms for the first world, which includes implementing lightning systems, fixing some corridors, updating texture atlases and fixing a lot of visual bugs in the rooms, consequence updating those atlases.

Sketches party, Dani
During the short time we have had this week, I’ve been working on doing some rework on our basic enemies, the mushrooms, and the boss of the Fungi Ruins. So, it’s time to make a change with new concepts and sketches like the ones I leave here.