-NEW PLAYABLE CHARACTER: EGGMAN (Originally he wasn't planned to be playable)
Knuckles: Replaced "Air Punch" with "Drop Attack" (Press C after jumping and Knuckles will drop forcefully to the ground)
Cream: Added "Fly Boost" (Press X after jumping and Cream will get a fly boost, allowing her to reach higher platforms and/or fall slowly)
Sally: "Fire Sword Attack" no longer creates a protective shield. Elemental shields added (Press C to activate/deactivate/swap shields. Energy is limited but can be re-filled).
Eggman: "Normal Lazer Attack" (Press C while on ground and Eggman will shoot a lazer beam). "Jetpack Fly" (Press X while on air and Eggman will use his jetpack to fly around. Eggman can shoot lazer beams while using his jetpack as well! Jetpack energy is limited, but can be re-filled)