The Return To Abomination's Recoded_

3 years ago

Devlog 2 (Read Article)

Im finally back at the progress to the game! sry for the wait! i literally have to wait my motivation back to work on this here are the progress so far!

Modes Menu Reveal


ive been thinking adding some number of progress to let the players see how much progress theyve got im a fucking genius!!!1111 (not final)

also classic mode doesnt count on the progress bar


Worked on the withered animatronics AI on night 2 bonnie will only be in the hallway staring at your ass


Night Selction Reveal!!!111 completing the nights will let you unlocked all of them.

so yeah thats about it the progress of the game is about like 30 percent :v and i aint gonna lie this is one of my favourite projects i have created

bye now



Next up

yeah ima ditch trtf2cr port for a bit, for now enjoy this new ui!!!!

Progress is doing well again, try to caption this.

unreal tournament android real

Hiatus has Ended + official final poster reveal!!

Special thanks to @NicolasGamerSpriteAnimation for the temporary thumbnail <3 go check his cool thumbnail works!

Jumper's 64: The Horrors of the Pizzeria | Official Teaser Trailer

New Patch Release FNATAS 1 v1.0.1:

-Fixed Jaiden's AI going to the power room when the power percentage is at 0.

-Added Icon for android.

Annndddd finally this concludes the developmentTESTING TIME!

You never know what's hiding within the dark in Spike's Ahoy!

(Render by @PhantronGames )

Public testing has been released! Or I should say game released! :D, I decided to release a test build so it would be easy for me to see some bug reporting here instead..Thank you and enjoy!