Hamachi The Psychotic Killer
6 years ago

[Devlog #2] Some More Mobs

I would say most levels are about 70-80% complete, so I’m focusing my time on creating enemies. The first world is finished so these are for the second world, Desolate Demise. Keeping it basic, it’s a platformer.


Green slime leaves bombs behind every time it jumps. Takes 3 hits to kill.


Cacti runs back and forth, following the player. Takes 3 hits to kill.


The fish swims.


Or if you’re above, it will jump up at you. It dies once contact is made.

Also, I’m aware some people can’t play the game well due to the controls and hey that’s okay. I’ll implement a system that allows you to remap the controls. Won’t come anytime soon though, that isn’t top priority but it’s on my list.

One more thing, if you encounter a bug with the demo that is currently up please let me know about it. Would like to limit problems as much as possible and give you something of high quality to play.




Next up

I just realized after years but why does the enemy in black exist when it would make more sense for the enemy in red to populate the world, you only see hamachi like characters once no?

updated the game: nothing crazy.  just gave his world a bit of a face lift, xbox control support, did some polishing and established the story to further solidify the identity of what makes this guy the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 that he is thank you all for your support <3

updated demo

lil look of some stuff ive been working on 📄

friday night