It’s been quite a bit since the last one, almost a year. So what’s been going on with Boundless? First my life has been consuming a good amount of time along with struggling with some personal problems with my mental health, but it should all be good now. Second the Boundless dev team has shrunk over time with various members leaving over different reasons, this has increased the time it has taken to complete each area. Continuing the bad news because of this, me and the co-manager have decided to cut down on the planned content from the game, sadly meaning the canal area that was planned will be scrapped. However this hasn’t stopped the few of us that are left from continuing to work on it, with that I am proud to announce that the fishman village is at 90% completion, with only a few assets needing to be added/made. With this and the release of Lisa: Definitive Edition we wish to celebrate by releasing a screenshot.
I would like to close this off by thanking everyone who has stuck around, it’s been a challenge but one I would not give up for anything. One last thing, I updated the name from Searchful to Boundless (: