Treasure Island: Ultimate Custom Night

2 years ago

Devlog 2

These days I have been making a lot of progress, I already have 9 characters programmed and 13 modeled. I have made almost all the cameras except 4 and I have solved some bugs that have been appearing.

I also added the hyperventilation mechanic from the lost one 2 and the NBD pills.

I'm thinking of publishing a demo with 20 characters so at the moment we have 9/20.



Next up

Mother/MickMick coded

Here is an imagen of the callenge: Cabin fever

new character coded

I'm doing an ultimate custom night for Fnati. At the moment these are the characters that I have modeled. (I'm creating it in scratch).

Here is a link to the game page:


So here is a model of Photo Negative Mickey I made I called him: "Invert mouse".

Rat Race Production Update

Devlog 3

New character approaching!

Mother/MickMick: If it's on camera 6, flash it, if it's on

camera 7, grab its attention with the music player.

The face is here