Battle Buggy Glitch
2 years ago

Devlog 2023.7 - Enemies Part 2-ish and Level Re-design

Quite a bit has happened since the last devlog.

TLDR; I ditched random room generation for something much much simpler that would give me greater control. Rewrote a lot of the code because of it.

I like procedurally generated dungeons in roguelikes. However, they can be a nightmare to get right. In fact, they can be the one thing that makes or break a project.

I realized that I was overcomplicating this project for no good reason. The original game (like the demo) didn't even have randomly generated rooms. So I decided to take a step back and re-evaluate my approach.

Just as I was about make the levels "static" as they were in original approach, I thought about re-introducing multiple rooms per level once again. But they wouldn't be generated in code. Instead, I would sort of make them like different islands which would require you to use "teleporters" to access them just like in the video attached.

That's all I will say technically about this new feature, but it really has made things not only simpler but also interesting. Because first it returns randomness of rooms into the equation, but it also allows me to be a bit more creative with the overall challenge of the game.

Also progression. But I won't go into that right now.

I had to do some massive rewrites to accommodate this new system since the old code was all about procedural generation. From the enemies to loot placement and so many other things.

In any case, it wasn't too painful. Just time-consuming. I'm back on track and can finally make more progress.

The enemy AI I also changed. Taking advantage of Godot 3.5s NavigationAgent2D nodes and whatnot. It is all so much easier to work with now that I don't have procedural generation to wrestle against.

As you can also see, I have worked on level intros. Keeping the original style I used in the demo. So I think by the end of the week, I should have a decent game loop for a level. Nothing fancy, just basic scafollding that I can build upon later on.

Alrighty then. end of devlog



Next up

Devlog 2023.10 - Code Refactoring For Regular Stages / Boss Stages

Devlog 2023.12 - Downgrading To Godot 3.5 (and other important updates)(Video)

Devlog 2023.9 - Level Design Changes / Alt Weapons / Status Effects / Boss Battle Prep

The combat system is already being implemented and there are also some advances with the environment (WIP)

#gamedev #indiedev #godot

Devlog 2023.4 - Stages, Rooms and Semi-Procedural Generation

We’re excited to announce that we’re working on a new game, a 3D metroidvania with a Low Poly Pixel Art style. Stay tuned for more updates!!!

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart

Devlog 2023.5 - Stage Map / Minimap

Devlog 2023.11 - Upgrading To Godot 4

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