
3 years ago

Devlog #26: Granrocks and Progression

Hello everybody! Uhh.. update time... yeah something like that... didn't come up with a text this time, anyway.

In this little patch i finally added the granrock villages to the world generation, they don't have any AI right now but they soon will . _ . and yeah. they're pretty cute and all


Now with that said, there is another major game change instore: the music <- now playing random songs at random times made by @TEP_The_Dev and me @Flagimtoshi , but still massive thanks to TEP and his contrubution for the menu music and some of the ingame tracks, be sure to follow him.

Other small changes include:

  • doors now have a seprate background to the baseblocks and are now highlighted

  • swaying and wobbleing of the UTRCraft Logo and with that a small chance of a Minecraft-styled splash to appear

  • bug fix: golden chests loading with zero slots insted of their original number after reloading a world or spawning in a structure

  • Added a volume slider for the music to the options menu

  • made all buttons inside the options small to fit a PC UI

  • made all sliders in the game localizeable

  • miscellaneous tweaks to world gen like making regular trees more common

  • Adding a music update system seperate from the game itself

  • customizable menu and ingame music

  • made the splashes render much higher than before resulting in them being more visible

  • fixed: gamejolt login not fully auto-logging in after game restart

  • made scaling default to different number on mobile

  • added granrock housing as a entity for future AI development

  • and various more bug fixes to small to list

well yeah thanks for reading, follow UTRCraft for more and see you in the next devlog and maybe ingame <3

#devlog #indie #indiegame #utrcraft #flagimtoshi #changelog #survival #granrock #update #noticeme #wip #indiedev #bugfix #rework #change #explore #teaser



Next up

Saw a Kerfuś in the wild today at McDonald's in Ptuj, Slovenia (not petting it would have been a sin💪)

Infinite Worlds

Up to 32 Players at the moment

Regarding UTRCraft

( READ ME!!! ) Claudia Plus is doing great over at, where are you all, my fellow GameJolters? Leave some celebration ideas in the comments haha! proudly made with GM:S

Empty mind, pen in hand

remember this?

Slowly finishing the look of the player drawer, I'm pro self-expression, show me what you make and ill feature it!

Old years me