Hamachi The Psychotic Killer
6 years ago

[Devlog #3] Patch 1.3.2. More Big Updates.

I’m sorry for the lack of updates, depression is a bitch, but, I’ve been working nonetheless so I promise I’ll do my best to push updates more frequently.


As you can see, we’ve recently gotten this wonderful cover art done for our game. I have also received help from artists and other programmers to help correct bugs and overall polish the game/engine. The in-game credits menu has been updated for anyone curious.

Patch 1.3.2

Added Story Introduction
New Introduction for Riches Reef
Now Supports Gamepad
Blood surface system corrected and improved
It is now easier to jump off ledges
Attack Hitbox retweaked. Crash error corrected
Player mask enlarged
Health now carries from room to room
Door Interaction. Press the Up arrow or Up on the control stick to enter doors
Player Spawn Animation [WIP]
Keyboard controls remapped from WASD to Arrow Keys
Overall performance support

Gamepad support

I’ve now added Gamepad support for people who wish for an alternative to the keyboard, just plug in an xbox 360 USB controller and play!

Story Introduction


A new introduction has been scripted to help flesh out the story of Hamachi

WIP of new spawning animation


Coming forth from hell sent by his Demonic Tyrant.

In regards to the games mechanics


Hamachi’s mask is being printed whenever he jumps. As you can see by the second jump the sprite morphs yet the mask is off the ground, and because of this, results with him falling to his death. Looked a bit cheap as most of his body is still making contact with ground. So.


Line 15 results to..


Now. He won’t immediately fall and because the game is running 60fps, it looks much more fair to the player. I also enlarged the players mask. No more “failed” jumps. This is a demonstration, what’s shown isn’t exact in game.

A new world to explore through the Devlog

As development continues I’ve briefly covered World 2 known as Desolate Demise through the devlog. With the world now completed we will move onto the 3rd world, Frostbite Waterbight.


This is a Ice and Water themed world, the game will progressively get much harder than the previous two worlds. Having to maneuver on slippery ice, jumping on spinning/floating platforms accompanied by enemies. Climbing frozen Palm trees up into the sky or to delve into the depths of the ocean. I hope by now you would have mastered the controls, as things will be getting trickier.

Two more worlds after FBWB!


That is all, the link has been corrected to the updated build if you’d like to try it out for yourself.

Happy killing.




Next up

I just realized after years but why does the enemy in black exist when it would make more sense for the enemy in red to populate the world, you only see hamachi like characters once no?

after hrs of coding asking chatgpt to force silly things to happen is my fav time of the night



updated the game: nothing crazy.  just gave his world a bit of a face lift, xbox control support, did some polishing and established the story to further solidify the identity of what makes this guy the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 that he is thank you all for your support <3

friday night