3 years ago

Devlog №37: Mercenaries
Today we'll be talking about some more enemies. Time to look at some of the scariest monsters of them all — people! Not scavengers or lowly bandits, but powerful and dangerous Vapor Wave Inc mercenaries.




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The rise of the machines continues

The Robot Grenadier is equipped with a pair of machine guns and can do quite good damage, but its main purpose is to support it with flash and noise grenades. https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

Secret Abilities

We'll tell you more about backgrounds' secret abilities. You don't receive them at the beginning of the game, don't get them on level-ups, don't buy them. https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

The result of work on improving the animation "death" https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

One of the strongest warriors in the wasteland. Armored mercenary.

Follow our news, and soon we will tell you more about this mysterious character.


Everybody has Saturday and # screenshotsaturday, and the mercenary has harsh "working days" Wishlist game https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

Read our latest dev log to learn more about character interactions and relationships!

A strong friendship is the foundation of any good team!

Today our guest is another mechanism - the Robot Shredder. The task of this machine is one - to quickly destroy any character chosen by the target. https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

The Artillery Robot's laser cannon is incredibly powerful and can quickly destroy one of your characters. https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

Personally, I prefer the gun and the marksmanship skill, do you? https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/

Mysterious house. Have you met him? If not, what is your idea of ​​what the heroines will meet inside? A good-natured hermit, or a powerful villain sorcerer. https://store.steampowered.com/app/882590/Ragtag_Crew/