This week I've been adding some levels and tweaking the levels I have in already.
I've thrown in a collectibles system! Each level has coins to get and emo skeletons to kill. When collecting all of the coins in a level and or killing all the skeletons, you'll get an in game badge for that level. So there's a reason to go back and play older levels!
This has been good for level inspiration as I can now make levels with optional branches or throw a coin in a hard spot as a reason to hone player skill.
The coin and skeleton counter counts collectibles in the current level, but I've also added a global death counter. As you play the game and, even when coming back to it (save system being worked on), you'll see your death toll grow and grow. This has been added to make the player feel bad about them self the longer they play! (or good if you're a masochist, which is the target audience of this game at this point)
I have added a new, less visible feature, that I don't have in my other games. For some background on this, I've noticed cliffside reaper 1 and despair shack (check my profile to play these other games by me!) pop up on some other random websites that I did not upload to myself. I could try and fight it or I can embrace it with facts and logic!
What I tried with despair shack is to add some links to my profiles on the games page, I don't know if it helped much in landing traffic for the game in comparison to cliffside reaper 1, but I'm hoping it did and will help drive traffic to my profiles for people to play my other games in the future.
This time around I'm site locking cliffside reaper 2 to gamejolt and kongregate. If the game is played on any other site, the player will be stuck in a room I like to call "the pirate room" that will direct them to my profiles on gamejolt or kongregate (depending on which link they prefer to click)

This might scare players off from playing the game in general if they were only going to play it on the offending site, but I'm hoping more people will want to play the full game after getting a feel for the controls