UnderSwap: HOPE
4 years ago

Devlog 6/21/2021

Hey, it's been a while, huh? (Ok I couldn't resist please don't kill me)

So, you guys haven't heard from us in a while, but rest assured, our development is hard at work with rebooted themes and such. I've been working hard on getting the engine finished, and I've recently completed it.
Here's a video featuring some of the attacks for phase 1
(the dialogue is placeholder don't worry)

Second off, we will be adding a 'Chapter 2' where Temmie manipulates sans into fighting the human in the Last Corridor. It won't be a copy of distrust, don't worry.

Lastly, you may have noticed that one of our owners, Calem28, has apparently left gamejolt. He unfortunately, had to leave the platform due to things happening outside of the internet. This does not mean that the game is cancelled. However, the game will be fully dedicated to Calem, as he was the reason the original existed in the first place.

That about sums up everything I have to say, we may make a new discord server, as the old one was deleted when Calem left. For now, stay tuned as we make progress through the gamepage.



Next up

Just wanting to let you guys now that i'm fixing the dialogue, You can suggest new ideas in the comments (My grammar is bad so please don't expect much from me)

for no reason in particular I made the cursor sprite of my gms2 engine the dummy and started laughing hysterically when I ran the game

holy shit 2k views and almost 700 downloads thank you so much- here is a small teaser

(jeffynick recorded this and his recording software is shit so the orange haze looks bad, this menu has been updated already, too.)

Progress is great I swear

WHOAHASU Video footage of menu coming soon

followup post because why not


Testing various things for a new engine

turbowarp sprite folders are really useful.

not even joking it cleans things up so much, especially if you use a lot of sprites.