Heya! Let’s just cut right to the chase. As promised, I have screenshots of the best yellow boy….

I don’t even have to introduce him, he does it himself.

Anyways, the garden segment of the level is complete save for some minor glitches, which meant I could work on Kiiro this week, and he has been finished as well! While his fight is a bit short, he’s not as easy as he might appear to be.
Kiiro has five different attacks that he can choose randomly. He stands at the top of his custom machine, so you can’t hit him until he’s sequenced enough of his attacks, making this a more survive-the-timer battle
He can use an electric attack, a sawblade attack, a barrage of claws, and a line of fire. His last attack utilizes a disco ball we’re theorizing he stole from the garden, however, it works against him, knocking him off of his tower, and this is when you can hit him, but move quickly! He’ll recover soon and leap back up to safety.
Some screenshots of his electric and claw attacks:

Sorry I can’t spoil how exactly these attacks function yet—that’d make it too easy~
When you’ve hit Kiiro enough times, he’ll become the first boss in the linear story to use a Special. “Veterans” might remember bosses like Dyvex (and Wess, in an old closed beta) using these final gambit type moves, and they’re finally returning. Kiiro’s is titled All-Out Surge, involving a quick series of tall lightning bolts!

But…Grey might not be dealing the final hit here. A certain someone isn’t too happy to have been crushed by a ceiling plate earlier.

Always knew she had it in her.
Lastly, some news on when the next demo will be! Recently, I released a small patched version of the newest demo, but there will be a demo including the complete version of Aqua Rocket Base in the near future. What I have to do is complete the final cutscene of the stage, and then build and submit the new demo for testing with my beta-testing-cool-kids-team (then fix the stuff they dig up and show me at 3 AM).
I’m hoping this will be all done by the end of December, so look forward to that!
Next time, we’re going to be seeing some of our blue-furred friend…