Citizen Life - A City Life Simulator

5 years ago

Devlog 7# - Lots of New Stuff, Entering Content Phase and Release Date #rpg #city #pixelart

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time (~3 months) since the last Devlog. If you follow my profile you may have noticed I was still active on GameJolt. I wanted to publish this post to show everyone that I am still working on the game, in fact, I'm working more on it than ever. I'll describe all the new stuff I added in this devlog as well as share some other interesting info.


Why is there no video? - The same reason I have not posted devlogs anymore in the last months. The new stuff I've been adding are all cool mechanics but there isn't really a good way to present it. I'll put some screenshots in this post though so that I can get some feedback or ideas for some of the things.

When will videos come back? - When the AI actually start "living a life". Until the whole ecosystem works more or less I'll first have to add the most important jobs and add many more AI scripts.

Release Date

26 February 2021 - I am planning on releasing the game in Early Access.
Note that this is only the date on my schedule (that has all features and content filled in) and it's technically still possible that the game is released 1 or 2 years later. Software development is unpredictable, something that you'd expect to take 4 hours can easily take up multiple weeks.

Smartphones and Computers

Both are added and work. You can connect a desktop to a monitor, start the operating system and use it! I created a very basic system for programming applications so it may even be possible for players to program and share their own applications. I currently have only programmed 4 applications for computers:
- Settings (currently has functions like changing desktop background color)
- Open Web Browser (can connect to websites and execute functions in websites)
- Shop Manager (App for shops to make it easier to manage employees, finances, analytics, working schedules, etc.)
- Mail (You can send and read Emails, when sending an Email the NPC/ Player can set a subject, for example a job application, which makes it possible for the receiver NPC to understand what the Email is about. Since the sender can also enter a text I'm planning on programming an additional algorithm that can get certain information out of the Email)


The way the Internet works in the game is very basic. All devices that can connect to the internet have an IP-Adress. If two devices are connected they can execute actions for each other, set or read information etc. There is currently one web browser called the Open Web Browser and I am planning on also adding a web browser Dark Web Browser where the devices are more secure and also have access to illegal websites.
The web browsers work like every other web browser. You type in a domain and it will get the IP of the respective domain. Currently there is only one website:
- Jobpostings,com (You can add a job listing with different specifications, people can then view them and contact them via Email if interested)

Basic Agriculture

The first agriculture mechanics are in place! Like in Minecraft, you can now use a hoe to prepare the soil for putting in seeds. For now, I have only added carrots but I'm planning on implementing many more plants in the future.


I added the first animal: a rabbit! The animals can use the same scripts that humans also use.


Boats work similarly to cars, only that you can walk on them. I also added swimming (no new animations though) which works similar like in the old Minecraft versions.

Social Features

You can talk with the NPCs now and they can talk with you. This also includes things like commands, questions, reactions, etc. There are currently only a few functions implemented but I'll regularly add more. The way you can say things in the game is with the following menu:


You'll be able to navigate with these "folders" and then find the thing you want to say. To make things easier, I'll also add the option to add shortcuts for regular social actions (like saying hello).

Psychological Stats

NPCs now have psychological stats, including: joy, anger, stress etc. These will be essential for the AI's decision making.

"Chemistry" functions

I added functions for mixing, filtering or condensing of fluids and volumes. These are especially important for example for drug manufacturing.

Night & Lighting

I started working on lighting. It works more or less now but I definitely want to rework it some more.

AI Memory System

The AI now has a memory system. Here it saves all data about different knowledge. This includes for example information about another human, like name, last seen position or opinions.
A cool thing about this is that I can delete specific memory parts to simulate for example Alzheimer's or memory loss.


I also started working on the first business, a grocery store. Business can be operated manually or with the help of specific computer applications. You/ NPCs can hire employees, set working schedules, set prices, etc.

Future Plans

With these features, all base Mechanics are now finished. Since the game development has entered the Content Phase, I'll be starting to add micro-mechanics, sub-mechanics, items, fluids, volumes, jobs, AI scripts, furniture, vehicles and boats, social scripts, conditions(diseases, injuries, etc.), animals, buildings, events, plants, clothing, applications, websites.

I will try to make a new Devlog every month again from now on to report progress, just without Devlog videos until it's possible for me to present everything properly. There will still be small clips and screenshots, just not any full showcasing videos anymore.
These are the new features I'm planning on adding within the next few months:

  • Jobs: Shop Manager, Store Clerk, Cashier, Optician, Barbershop Manager, Barber, Author, Bandit, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Fisher, Arcade Hall Manager, Arcade Hall Assistant, Hitman, Gas Station Manager, Security, Primary School Principal, Primary School Teacher, Drug Dealer, Plastic Surgeon, Casino Manager, Casino Assistant, Cook, Fastfood Restaurant Manager, Fast Food Restaurant Assistant, Banker, Bank Manager, Fire Captain, Fire Chief, Firefighter, Kindergarten Principal, Kindergarten Teacher, Hospital Manager, Secretary, Surgeon, Gardener, Baker, Bus Driver, Bus Manager, Soccer Coach

  • Micro-Mechanics and Sub-Mechanics: Extended Interactions, Weather(rescheduled), Hair Styling, Aging(rescheduled), Favorites, Clothing Stats, Crafting, Fishing(rescheduled), Games, Events(rescheduled), Taser, Mental Breakdowns(rescheduled), Inventions(rescheduled), Fuel, Addictions(rescheduled), Teaching and Learning, Wishes, Relations(rescheduled), Pre-AI-Humans(rescheduled), Attributes, Melee Weapons(rescheduled), Marriage, Fire, Gambling, Production, Banking, ATMs, Map, Budgeting, Extinguishing, Surgery, Bus Stops

  • ~120 new Buildings

  • ~200 new Items

  • ~5 new Applications & Websites

  • ~150 new Furniture

  • and more Plants, Vehicles, Animals, etc.

I've also been thinking about using Instagram for AI clips. What do you think?

#pixelart #rpg #city



Next up

City Life Simulator Devlog 11# - Thorpes Map Demo, Police, Logging #rpg #city #pixelart

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