The Inventory system and the Battle system are finished! Or, mostly for the battle system. Things for the battle system may be changed in the future, but it is still currently finished enough for work on actual encounters to start.
As well as this, work on the first areas rooms has started! And work on these rooms will continue very soon now some more of the games systems are finished.
A few things have also been tweaked in other parts of the game, with some things having some minor improvements done to them like textboxes.
♡---------WHATS NEXT?-----------♡
Now the battle and inventory systems are pretty much finished for now, the plan is to finish making all the rooms for the first main area. For now this won't include any NPCs, encounters or working puzzles, but those will be added once all the rooms have been designed and made.
As well as working on the rooms, the saving system will also be worked on.
When the next devlog is made, the plan is for all the rooms for the first area to have been made and the save system to be finished. And maybe a few other things depending on how development goes!