Devlog 88:
Progression systems are an inherent part of rpg games. So the question was, how to stand out from the rest and take advantage from our own, original gameplay elements.
Following a discussion with Jeff, we decided to [b]drop Experience Points altogether[/b] because of just how cliché it was. Let me explain what I decided instead:
Basically, each individual card can be “Mastered”. Every time you guess a card right, your Master Meter goes up. Once you’ve guessed the card right enough for the meter to fill up, you gain a star:
Once the card has been mastered, there’s little incentive to sticking with it as it won’t provide any more stars in the future (which are essentially Skill Points).
Stars can then be invested in the game’s skill tree which I revamped. Colored tiles have been purchased while blue ones have yet to be acquired.
Some tiles are locks. Notice that the lock there requires two stars to unlock. So it’s considering whether to go for easier minor rewards or stock up and unlock tiles to access to better rewards.
For those who haven’t tried it yet, here’s a download for the latest build:
At this time, feedback is very important! Feel free to rip the game apart, any feedback is good feedback in my book.
Download rate remains low for the most part but I’m confident things will pick up once we get more coverage.
Enjoy and keep eating those crusts.