Mhmm, I missed a bunch of days. Kind of fell into a slump and couldn’t figure out how to schedule things, plus had to travel the past few weekends, but I think I’ve got this down again.
First off, I’m trying to have a new demo ready by Friday of next week - in time for a podcast involving Havoc Fox! A friend of mine, Dynostorm, is hosting a talk which I will be attending, and we’ll be going through this new demo. The public release of said demo will be a few days after the podcast.
The HF twitter will have more info on this soon, like where to catch it!
Okay, in terms of the game progress - Miracle City, minus the last two cutscenes I’d like to add, is now complete! Lyle was finished today, actually, along with a new phase for the swan boss, as I needed to replace the whirlpool phase. That’s staying hidden for now, but it IS previewed on patreon ( ). Yess I’m shameless. ._.
I can’t really post too many screenshots to avoid spoiling the game before the next demo, but here’s one of Lyle’s phase 2. Played around with some afterimage effects here!

Next stage up is Autumn Entropy. This’ll be interesting, and we’re gonna have quite the boss at the end of that one…stay tuned!