Demolion: The Four Legends
4 years ago

Devlog Demolion:

Hey guys, Warlock Games here with another devlog, I am making a scene before you go into battle in *Mindalon City*

(Mindalon City is the capitol city of Hermalion, the land of the elves)

Next to that I am reworking some scenes I made before so it would make more sense to the story I am trying to tell in my game...

I've also purchased some more plugins for the engine I am using, so I can experiment more inside of the game to look better and of course play better.

Anyway, I am thinking of an release date of this game and I think this game will be done around Febuary or April and I can't wait to release this game to the world, I am also thinking about putting this on steam, but I have to think more about it, anyway, this was the end of this Devlog.

Have a nice day and always stay awesome guys :D



Next up

Me waiting to get verified as an Developer to publish my game to steam

Just one more before I have 100 followers :D

Just created an new game

Ok, I've found quite an scummy game.

I made this because why not :D

Split Souls, Now available on Steam

Just created an comic in my own little free time, hope you like it :D

Made this in paint

Almost at 100 Followers :D