Right now, our protagonists are at these crossroads.

I’m not planning to spoil the entire game, entry by entry, but for these first couple updates I think it wouldn’t hurt to set the stage and outline the game by following it’s fictional chronology for at least a little bit, keeping in mind that this first prologue chapter is eventually gonna be put out as a demo to a broader audience before releasing the game proper anyway.
These crossroads are also already being preceded by a handful of other scenes that I won’t go into detail about now, so I think it’s safe not to worry about being robbed of any fresh eyes you might eventually be laying upon this game just by keeping up with whatever’s gonna be exposed right here.
Anyway, we’re obviously being presented with four directions to eventually wander off to.

How you’re going to get Yendor, the skeleton carrying you around, with your player character being the skull he’s holding, to actually start shuffling down any of those paths is one of these mysteries (It’s not much of a mistery) I’ll be sprinkling about this devlog to not waste any precious novelty to these types of puzzle situations. Though, presenting the player with a branching path like that right from the get-go is what I hope will help make this game very interesting to play and replay, as not just one of them will be right, with the other three being wrong or unavailable, but all of them will be a viable choice.

This is this first thing I wasted a lot of potential with (but also cut down a lot of development time) on the predecessor, where you were constantly presented with a number of choices but got nothing except jokey answers on all but one, which did have it’s charm, but only once.

So with that, we’re about to be visiting one of three different locations, and I think that might’ve been enough words for now.
If you’re more into looking at pretty pictures, feel free to check out my twitter where I’ll be talking less and showing more, in a less refined and more frequent manner, especially stuff that might not ever make it into the final game or even this devlog.