Dustswap Dusttrust An Awakening And Movie
3 years ago

Devlog I guess

First of I’d like to address the movie

It’s been on hiatus for a while

But it’s not cancelled

We just are lacking in the animation department because rn we don’t have any animators

That’s all on that

Second I’ve thought of an idea to make this dustttust take stand out a lot more

So I’ve been thinking of adding a distrust mode

You can toggle between that and Dusttrust mode

This will have a huge difference in story

So the Distrust modes story concept goes like this

Many genocide runs have passed leaving Papyrus to see his friends and family die each time however papyrus was tired of this cycle of events

Soon after Papyrus got an idea if he was to save at least one person from getting dusted then it would change the worlds fate

Genocide route # 134

Sans confronts the human like always but this time papyrus was to be the one to take the fatal blow leaving Sans shocked

The human continued on while sans coming to the realization that the human did this

Filled him not with the determination to stop the human

But the rage to kill the human

Sans would go around each nook and cranny of the Underground and save as many monsters as he could

Sans along the way found his new weapon

A burning reminder for the human That hope is gone



Next up

Dusttrust Mode

Phase 1 and 2 sprites by @ger_elias

Queen encounter sprites

more concept art

I’m preparing a basic layout script I’m looking for writers For This Script to get a fully planed out movie script

ps-This will not be the opening theme And credits to cynical

I will not be using this song for the actual opening I will make my own

Snowdin and Artifact Encounters Sprites by Ger_Elias

new concept art

Dubbed by me

Phase 3 sprite by @ger_elias

Concept art for the movie

Updated art