Welcome, to City 17 the first official Party to Catlympus devlog!! Today, I'll be outlining the changes I have made to the newest build of Party to Catlympus, along with outlining some future changes I hope to make. Enjoy!
Added a title theme produced and mastered by Connor T. (aka Berlin, 1991)
Added a little extra flare to the secret on the title screen
Added sound effects to a lot of the games menus
Fixed a bug where the chariot minigame straight-up was broken
Added dynamic music to the player select screen
Updated the copyright on the main screen
Fixed a camera bug
Future Changes
Add proper music to most of the game, this one will happen slowly over time, presumably
Add a proper win screen
Adjust and tweak game balance
Add more of the cards from the physical version of the game (Journey to Catlympus)
Add Nero (a Bowser-like enemy. His name will actually be Neko)
Potentially add shops?
Add more varied tiles for more interesting gameplay between players on the main map
Add more minigames, some potentially being 3v1
Thanks so much for reading the first devlog! I promise they'll get more interesting than this in the future, just figured I should log the changes about 1.1.0. Cheers!