Hi everyone, it’s time for another devlog entry from the team, and this time, it’s my turn. Time flew so fast, we are already in devlog no.30 and it’s August, the supposed delivery month for all the rewards on our Kickstarter page. Which I have to say, on behalf of the team, we are not ready yet to deliver the game and all the rewards… Due to various circumstances. I also want to emphasize that we are not abandoning the development of the game, you can always see the progress and monitor the development on our discord server here: https://discord.gg/KywHrWV
For the lateness of the delivery of the game, I want to apologize upfront, and to make up for the late delivery, we will be releasing a new playable demo by the end of August. With the actual release date of the game currently postponed as TBA (to be announced).
That aside, let’s back to the actual content of the biweekly development log.
In the last few weeks, with story content, and character portraits 99% done, I’m shifting the focus of my task to create background graphics for the often overlooked part of the game. The “battle minigames”. While the core of the minigames is “match three” like gameplay, all of them will have different and unique feels depending on what jobs and activities.

For example, here are two different minigames, while the match 3 interface looks similar, the objective of each minigames will be different. The first one, Fortune telling minigames has an objective of: “Execute 12 sets, Mistakes and Shuffles resets score.” this is to reflect that in fortune telling, you must do no mistake to your client. In the second one, the objective is: “Defeat the enemy! Make haste!” to reflect that Ciel must defeat the cockroach that disturb the peace of her house.
In the video above there is another running minigame that have different objectives with the other two. The game will be brimming with such minigames to bring you fun while raising Ciel. Of course, if somehow the minigames seems to be distracting or you just don’t want to play it, it’s entirely skippable!
Also here’s another teaser of what I’ve been working:

The detail of what this stuff actually is probably will be on the next entry! See you guys in the next devlog!