Howdy, everyone!
A new patch for DF CONNECTED has released. While the DF team and I are hard at work on v2.8.0, we decided to release this small patch for 2.7 as a little bonus while you guys wait!
This patch brings with it some notable additions, such as the highly-requested inclusion of Basil and Mari as costumes for the Omori vessel! Along with them, the entire Omori crew have received brand-new animated poses! Give them all a try!
Another notable addition is that the game now has improved support for more languages in chat! The game now uses an expanded Latin alphabet, allowing for more characters such as Spanish accent marks (ñ, á, é, í, ó, ú, ü) to be used.
Not only that, but support for the Cyrillic alphabet has been added, too!
There are some other useful additions as well, such as a new encounter rate system, which makes it so that the chances of you encountering a certain type of enemy can now vary across an area, instead of the chances always being the same throughout the entire area. For example, in the first few rooms of the Ruins, Froggits and Whimsuns have a higher chance of spawning over any other enemy. Then, in other parts of the Ruins, you might find that Vegetoids and Migosps are more common. This new system makes it much easier for you to find specific enemies, which can be very useful for bestiary completionists!
There are plenty more additions and improvements I'd like to talk to you about, but I'll let you read the rest of the changelog yourself to see what they are. Take a look!
DF CONNECTED v2.7.7 Changelog
Added BASIL as a costume for Omori. Now that he's here, everything is going to be okay!
Added MARI as a costume for Omori. Would you like to have a picnic with her?
Added the WORLD MACHINE's Niko form as a costume for Niko. The memory of an entire world, distilled into a costume...
Added new poses for all of the OMORI characters.
Added support for the EXPANDED LATIN ALPHABET to be used in local/global chat, including Spanish accent marks such as ñ, á, é, í, ó, and ú.
Added support for the CYRILLIC ALPHABET to be used in local/global chat.
Added a new consumable item, "CANDIED CORN", which you can get from the Spider Bake Sale exclusively during the Halloween season.
Added a new ENCOUNTER RATE system for enemies. Instead of the encounter rates for enemies being the same across the entire area, they can now vary from room to room, which means certain enemies now appear more commonly in certain locations. This makes it a bit easier to hunt for specific types of enemies (ideal for bestiary completionists).
Added an RGB color picker for name colors in chat. Instead of selecting from a few pre-set colors to use for your username in global/local chat, you are now free to pick any RGB color value you want! (Remember: admins have a special message color when chatting, so don't get fooled by impersonators!)
Added a new ending photograph, which will appear specifically if you've reached both LV 20+ and 2000+ spares.
Added an improved minimap to Free-For-All mode, allowing you to keep track of where you are. However, it will also show you the locations of enemy players who are running. From now on, if you run in FFA, it'll reveal your location on the map to other players, so run with caution!
Added mouselook to Free-For-All mode. Instead of using the keyboard to fire your weapon in one of four directions, FFA now uses the mouse to aim your weapon and left click to shoot, allowing you to be more precise when firing at enemy players.
Added healthbars that appear above enemy players in Free-For-All mode, so you can now see how much health your opponents have.
The hitbox of the bullets and players in Free-For-All mode have been made a bit larger.
Bullets now shoot at a higher speed in Free-For-All mode.
Running while shooting will now make your aim slightly off in Free-For-All mode.
Bullets now deal 4 damage instead of 2 in Free-For-All mode.
It is now possible to use poses in Free-For-All mode.
In the Extras section of the Main Menu, you will now see photograph icons for each of the ending photographs you have earned. There are five photographs you can get, so if you're a completionist, this is a good way to check that you've got them all!
The mobile keyboard has been updated to include a new language button, which lets you toggle between different keyboard layouts for latin and cyrillian text.
The spare requirements to befriend enemies in later areas have been decreased, to make the process of befriending them slightly faster.
It is possible to walk onto beds again, and they now have functional blankets.
The PaciKiss drink will now enable 100% ACTs as long as you've met at least half of the enemy's befriend requirement. You no longer need to fully befriend them for it to work.
The PaciKiss drink will now enable 100% ACTs even if you've "lost" the enemy, as long as you have LV 20 or higher, and over 2000 spares.
The snow particle system in Snowdin has been updated so that the level of snowfall is now consistent throughout the area.
In both global and local chat, admins will now have a "*" symbol next to their username, to make it easier to identify who is a real admin.
Local chat history is now recorded with the most recent messages appearing at the top, rather than at the bottom. The time that the message was received is now also shown.
After you've reached one of the ending photographs, the "Once Upon A Time" quest will update its description to inform you about the EXPx unlock at LV 20.
It is now possible to see the attack that your opponent is dodging in PvP again.
The wait time before you're able to use FIGHT in PvP is no longer a hardcoded 5 seconds - instead the game will actually check if your opponent is ready, making the wait time shorter.
Increased the maximum TP you can earn from a bone-type attack in PvP from 10 to 15.
Replaced Lancer's "stool forme" pose with a new pose of him on his bike.
Gold Grind Room doors now have a new appearance.
Decorations for events (balloons, pumpkins, presents, etc.) have now been given updated sprites.
Updated the credits to include the new team members who have recently joined the team.
Bratty and Catty's name color shop has been closed off until they get repurposed for something new in a future update.
Fixed an issue where the high score for Splat2D wouldn't save/load correctly.
Fixed an oversight where completing the Spider Bake Sale side quest in Offline Mode would still reward you with a Glitch Ticket (which can't be used in Offline Mode).
Fixed the Spider Bake Sale and Dark World Bake Sale items not counting towards the daily quest that asks you to buy an item.
Fixed the Lost World Gold Grind room not being included in the gold and diamonds bonuses granted by pogs.
I hope you guys enjoy this little patch! We're still working hard on v2.8.0, and we hope to have some more news to share with you very soon!
...In fact, there's actually a progress report planned for this month! I'm aiming to release it within a week or so, and there's some really exciting stuff I want to share with you! Not only have I been working on 2.8, but I've also been working on something else... and it's almost finished!
Anyway, thanks again for reading, and as always, stay determined!