Okay, just updated this quickly so that after you win or lose, you won’t have to go through all the introduction dialogue again. Hope that makes things a bit better for now.
When you choose to replay the game, I have it set to take you back to the control options screen, because I’m going to add more setting options there so that you can try different stuff before fighting Chief again.
Since quite a few have had trouble figuring out how to even go about defeating Chief, I’m going to add health meters for the turrets to help make it a little more clear.
I’ve had some feedback regarding the fullscreen mode, so now that I realize that, depending on various resolution settings, some screens cut off quite a bit of the playing field, I’ll be making a window mode option.
Once again, these are just some of the things I’ll be changing/adding. Thanks to everyone who’s been very kind about this weird creation so far!