Die Pig Die
10 years ago

Die Pig Die: #21, thanks and a quick update!

As you might have noticed Die Pig Die crawled to the 21 position in “Indies VS PewDiePie” gamejam ratings and while the calculation of them is pretty blurry and that position won’t be enough for PewDiePie’s playthrough setting new trend of “fighty piglet” games, it is a pretty sweet deal and absolutely made my day!


I’d like to thank a couple of awesome youtubers, who already recorded a video of it!

And, of course, Noaksey for hilarious stream:


So, the voting ended and that means we’re back to bussiness! And by bussiness I mean making Die Pig Die some kind of a playable game and then moving some of the content to Iron Snout, which you definitely should check out! So, new stuff:

  • fixed enemy spawn bug(s)

  • tweaked enemy spawn limits

  • added new cosmetic enemy

  • updated RPG wolf AI

  • enemies won’t be kickable off screen

  • added a couple of sounds just to make it more alive

  • fabulous sliding now will knock enemies (I’m still thinking what to do with it)

So, play it and let me know if there’s something you’d like to be fixed or added ASAP.



Next up

Finally fully launched mobile Card Hog version on Google Play! Humorous dungeon crawling in your palm, boss fights, multiple hogs, deck building elements and some neat card mechanics! Grab it:…

Disco party with new Card Hog enemies!

Piggy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Die Pig Die: Hats! Sometimes adding hats to the game is all you need to keep you motivated.

Demonstrating a few of the cards and their interactions!

Adorable character portraits!

VIP. Vampire-in-progress!

Cursed mobile icon

Players can now revive each other in COOP mode!

New skill to makes enemies fight for you!