Well, my first day in the #indiesvspewdiepie jam is done. I uploaded a very early (un)playable prototype of my action platformer Die Pig Die, which I’m not happy about, since things didn’t go as planned and I realized that most of the little fun gameplay ideas are too big for me to handle in such short time span.
Well, at least I got some decent pig graphics done, I really like this character, although movement animation still feels a little bit wonky. As well as some fighting moves. But I’m happy about jumping and falling sprites. At start of the day I tried to rig it from separate body parts, but also realized that it might just take too much time and not worth the effort.
So, it’s 3AM and it’s time to get back to my “game design document” and burn everything, what is nice and fun from it, so I could have a less enjoyable, but fully playable game in the end of day 3.
Check the prototype and let me know if you have any ideas for it: http://gamejolt.com/games/action/die-pig-die/38948/
Good night and good luck!