-Only one single night and Hard Mode Cheat. (Unlike 6 Nights and Custom Night)
-Shorter game than original
-More difficult than original
-Characters having unofficial Beta designs now instead of original looks(sorry, had to make this)
-All cameras are redesigned and featuring new elements
-2 more new cameras
-Wider angle of cameras and manual control
-Wider office and snap turning
-Doors and windows position in office are switched
-Own unrelated story
-Own new phone guy
-Own new Easter eggs and secrets
-Kitchen Camera working
-Puppet is also in the game
-Endoskeleton MIGHT become a new enemy(unsure)
-One and only Night night in the game has length of about 12 minutes
-Few new animations and scares
-Every character has slightly redesigned mechanic, especially Foxy and Freddy, some appear on more cameras, some have extended or random paths.
-Phantom Freddy and Bonnie can appear
-Ai structure is different but resembling the original
-Foxy's jumpscare is now Fullscreen like others
-Own UI design, effects and generator percentage
-Own Main Menu design
-Own atmosphere and ambience resembling original game but with key differences
-May or not may have own soundtrack
-Save file only unlocks the Hard Mode, nothing else is added to the game (for now)
-No entire week
-No Custom Night at all
-No from original Phone Guy voice
-No more 1to1 copies of animatronics from original game
-No mini games
-No extras
-No secret codes
-No Halloween Update or any thematic additions
-No other cheat (Only Hard Mode Cheat)
-Not as long as the original game.