Gamejolt staff informed me that I may keep the Alpha Demo live here, since I started the game off here and am not just uploading a ready demo as an advertisement. That’s great! The full game is now live on
Next up
Time is Nigh To release the full paid version. I will leave the downloads visible for 24 hours more, then take them down. I will continue to update this page on the coming events like Indiegogo and Steam Greenlight launches, coming very soon indeed.
Character Update New character, lots of tweaks. Some different levels. Webplayer update only, desktop builds will come a little later.
Web Player Version Live! Implemented the web player. Firefox 100% working Opera can’t switch to fullscreen, has cursor focus issues Safari untested IE not sure I want to know
0.3.1 Update, all platforms Webplayer, Windows and Mac all updated! We are getting pretty solid. The only major feature left missing is a virtual mouse cursor for Oculus Rift use without a gamepad.
Great review from Kottabos Games ‘Indie On The Rocks’ : Check out the Youtube Video! [ ]
Greenlight Top100 reached Day 5 and we’ve hit the Top 100! If you haven’t already, please go and try the game here, and visit Steam if you find us worthy!
Steam Greenlight! We are on Steam Greenlight [ ]!
Better Oculus Experience
We are under attack!
"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍
(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)