11 days ago


- A Paladin that is insecure because while everyone thinks she was the chosen one, she was actually given "the gift" by her headmaster.

- A mage that is from a distant continent that likes to study (what specifically no one knows)

- A fighter that loves to use brute force but is as soft as a pillow personality wise

- a chef that is a young kid that doesnt do combat that lost their sister to the BBEG

- A male rogue that cant do his freakin job but through a chrono curse, lucks his way through the adventure



Next up

Welp you're ####ed lmao gn

Plesantries is the better SoaD imo

Unfortunately i dont think i can stream today, as my internet connection isnt

bozo gang canon event

I wonder who casued that


peikusona redesign (old design in 2nd image)

New reserved image

[STREAM DELAYED] Come back Tomorrow!

REASON: The end is here

Edit: no it fucking isnt lmao but still, Stream is tomorrow!

catch me and the gang on death penalty [ @panned , @EpicBanana212 , @mykkode, @mac_n_cheeseiscool ]

gang we are so back

Everhood 2 and/or Demo Disk 2 tomorrow (depends when Don gets home)