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Possible game production dates
The current forecast is that the Franchise will end in 2035 in FNaF FFPS Plus
(Don't forget, there can be a UCN plus and a fnac plus, But I'm still uncertain about that.)
Currently the edition of the toy bonnie model for broken is going well
When I finish, I will make a render
The model is not based on the classic withered toy bonnie or the withered star toy bonnie, It is being made with its own design.
Final version of Broken Toy Bonnie
"He doesn't seem to have had a happy ending"
News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?
Prototype Toy Bonnie Full Body
After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!
Retro plus chica (I'm testing it for future use)
Toy bonnie
The toys may appear in the salvage room, but broken, And perhaps, in FNaF 3, here the only thing that can appear is a final cutscene as a reference.
I tried to do Alight Motion but it didn't work out very well.