The Very Organized Thief

6 years ago

Don't be Alarmed, we're only Cracking Safes!

We’ve been reworking the Safe and Alarm systems. And we’ve made it slightly more challenging.

You’ll now need to find Wire Cutters, in order to disable the alarm. It’s a small change but it’s one we felt needed to be added because it made sense! I mean, you can’t just cut wires with your bare hands, that would just be unrealistic.




Next up

A New Font

The Very Remastered Kitchen

The Very Organized Thief v0.1.2 Update

The Very Organized Thief v0.1.1 is ready to Play

Refurbished Loot

Before The Release

It's looking like the House again!

Lighten up!

The Very Dynamic Title Screen

Heavy Objects Hurt when you Hit the Owner in the Head with them.