Details regarding Don’t trust the cat:
<div>+ it’s the first game I make that focuses on content and not on gameplay mechanics</div><div>+ its engine was made back in 2009, but I never got a story worth making into a game; I finally came up with some random ideas and asked a friend if she could write a story of some sort… and thus was the game born</div><div>+ it’s most probably the last game I’ll make in AutoIt - I’m now focusing on Java and JavaScript</div><div>+ it features music from an artist very dear to me, Gillenium</div><div>
</div><div>Future plans/projects:</div><div>+ I’ll be adding some visual mini-demos/experiments to the blog made in JavaScript - probably a fractal or two</div><div>+ Pentamino is a game based on the L game by Edward de Bono. It’s a very nice game but I haven’t found a playable version anywhere</div><div>+ “Wireworld emulator” is morphing into a game - yes, a programming game
a Robot Unlock update is coming at some point in the future</div><div class=”blogger-post-footer”>