Don't Walk in the Woods
5 years ago

Don't Walk in the Woods - Community Update 2

Welcome to our second community update. Let's go over what we've been doing the last two months. The game is approximately 50% done. Of course that doesn't mean that it will take us twice the amount of time as the base foundation for the game has been laid out. We are now planning and realizing the levels for the game. There are still some systems left to do for example the options menu and full gamepad support for both XBOX and Dualshock 4. All the models and graphics are pretty much done. We have learnt from our mistakes and we will be doing extensive play testing to make sure the game is as bug free as possible. Information about participating in private play testing will be released later this week. Yes thats right we will be doing private play testing. After the games release we will be adding a new channel on our discord server where you can post any bugs that occur.

Thank you to everyone who believes in us and I hope this post will refuel your excitement for the game.

-Best regards, Johannes @ReflexEntertainment



Next up

The last man on earth sat in a room and there was a knock on the door...

Almost done with the game!

I have spent the last days detailing pre-existing areas. Please let me know what you think!

If this intrests you make sure to follow my discord server:

Announcement time! (Project Case Closed)

Working on a Modular set for the spaceship, what do you guys think?

Seek the burning cross...

Not biased or anything, but doesn't this game look pretty good?

Edit: I swear the game ran at like 110 fps but it freezes whenever you screenshot inside the Engine.

We got options!

Not a member of the discord channel no worries, join now!

You should totally join our discord server: