Don't Walk in the Woods
5 years ago

Don't Walk in the Woods - Community Update 4

Hi, I am sorry for the lack of updates regarding the game. The game is finished and is about 40 min long. The problem I am having right now is the performance I am at the moment managing around 90 fps. This sounds good but I have an extremely good pc and for anyone below that I worry that they simply won't be able to play my game. I am going to post the specs and the settings I am playing with so you can draw your conclusions. Therefore I am delaying the game but I will release it this month, or at least that is what I am forcing myself to make sure something gets released. Also even though the game has been in development for probably a year that doesn't mean that the game is a masterpiece far from it. It is quite flawed but I realize at some point you just need to release it and be proud of what you've done.


CPU - Intel Core I7-7700K

GPU - GeForce 1080TI


RES - 2560x1440 (3K)

Everything on ULTRA

The game is GPU limited. That means the parts of the game that the GPU aka the graphics card is responsible for are simply not very well optimized. This means I cannot guarantee that older or even medium graphics card can run the game!

Thanks to everyone who follows the game and believes in what I do. I am a one-man army and sometimes it feels like this game will never be released. If you have any questions feel free to post them below.



Next up

Announcement time! (Project Case Closed)

Seek the burning cross...

You should totally join our discord server:

Any suggestions for the menu screen?

If this intrests you make sure to follow my discord server:

Project Case Closed

We got options!

More info coming soon...

Working on a Modular set for the spaceship, what do you guys think?

The last man on earth sat in a room and there was a knock on the door...

Almost done with the game!