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I know I've been dead
I know I know, university killing me
Yeah anyways, cool thing ye ye, I did some sprits for it too go check it will be out soon…
Hi guess who's joining to the godot crew
I gave up like 5 times before but now im actually trying to do stuff and did like 10 times more stuff than the past tests months ago
Learning slow bc I never was into coding games, it is going slow but secure
Dont mind me just some dendyposting again
Testing my frame by frame animation skill, im really happy with the result of this one too
Wasnt sure of sharing this here but ill do it anyways
noelle joined
Hello hello again kaboomers. Today, just showing you the first test for the overworld, aswell, wanting to show the (maybe) replacement of portrait sprites (the ones that are just thehead)
Kinda based on some rpg games, and that's all, just a quick funfact
every 2 years
Before the hysterical ones come in, this is not cancelled
Only will put a priority on my real life and professional career
But I will dedicate time for this project as this is the main one I have, so yeah, that's a summary in case you're not reading allat
Look at this single celled organism Isnt he tupid
Wheel of Misfortune
Underevent less than 30 minutes away, check it out this year has lotta stuff