No fighting
No starting drama unless its gonna be fixed
Dont trash talk
Inappropriate stuff will never be aloud wich means a forever ban.
No taking others ideas without asking them and getting their consent it is okay.
Dont take others stuff they made.
No bad stuff
Add warnings when you make something that can mess with some
3 years ago
(Dont mind this post if you dont want to be in this community-)
(Rules in article)
Next up
Last thing im making i swear im going to bed this time-
Tried to do tweening- it turned out horrible.
Hello- im new to gamejolt, this is my gacha oc-
Made lolbit since why not-
I keep deleting the post oof- welk anyways code will be in article and this is the remade version for the monster in the rp community
Made gif's they may not work tho-
Sorry i have been offline for 2 weeks i was busy but while i was gone i made these sketches and 2 other sketches i will show them later
Made the monster for the rp community i made
Code in article if you want to use them while you rp in this communtiy
Oof T-T
Anyways im going to bed goodnight